Ena Welcomes Launch Of The Natural Gas - Positive Energy Campaign

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20th August 2009, 02:32pm - Views: 903
ENA welcomes the launch of the Natural GasPositive Energy Campaign

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has welcomed the launch of the Natural GasPositive Energy Campaign in Canberra today by the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association.

ENA is the peak national body for Australia's energy networks which provide the vital link between gas and electricity producers and consumers.

Gas is delivered across Australia through approximately 81 000 kilometres of gas distribution pipelines.

'It is a source of concern to ENA gas members that while the number of Australian gas customers is increasing, average domestic gas consumption is currently static or on the decline', ENA Chief Executive, Andrew Blyth said today.

'The challenge for the industry will be to ensure this trend does not continue as Australia heads towards an emissions trading scheme.

'Natural gas has a positive greenhouse impact both domestically and internationally due to its clean-burning qualities', he said.

Mr Blyth also highlighted a range of potential new sources for gas demand, such as the potential for natural gas to be used more widely as a transport fuel, through the use of natural gas vehicles (NGV).

'Australia ranks only 36th in the world in our take-up of NGV technology and ENA is looking at ways to increase this', said Mr Blyth.

'However there does not appear to be sufficient focus on gas as the short-medium term fuel that will enable Australia to meet its emissions targets.

'ENA believes that this Campaign will reinforce the cost and environmental benefits that were outlined earlier this year when a number of gas distribution companies launched the Natural Gas the Natural Choice (www.thenaturalchoice.com.au/), campaign', said Mr Blyth.

'These issues will be canvassed at the 10th International Electricity and Gas Networks Conference and Exhibition (Energy21C) (www.energy21c.com.au) to be held from 6-9 September 2009 in Melbourne, which will feature a dedicated gas stream with a focus on regulation, asset management, climate change solutions and customers.

'Energy 21C will provide an opportunity for delegates to address environmentally sustainable development challenges and opportunities facing the Australian gas industry. The conference will also highlight innovation in gas distribution around the world', he said.

Energy network businesses deliver electricity and gas to over 13.5 million customers, employ more than 40 000 people and contribute approximately 1.25 percent to Australia's gross domestic product.


Contact: Andrew Blyth CEO
Phone: 02 6272 1555

SOURCE: Energy Networks Association

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