Coal Dumps On Gillard's Press Club Address

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15th July 2010, 01:36pm - Views: 1100
Coal dumps on Gillard's Press Club address

A load of coal has been dumped at the door of the National Press Club in Canberra by climate change activists this morning, blackening the start of the Prime Minister's much-anticipated address to the nation.

The protest is a timely reminder of Australia's number one cause of climate change. They are calling on the Gillard Government to announce a climate change policy that addresses Australia's principal source of greenhouse pollution coal.

"If she wants to restore the Government's credibility on climate change, Gillard needs to ban new coal-fired power stations," said Steve Phillips, spokesperson for climate action group Rising Tide Newcastle, who have dumped the coal at the Press Club this morning. "Greenhouse pollution is set to sky-rocket in Australia, with twelve new coal-fired power stations on the cards."

"Just this week, in Western Australia, three new coal-fired power stations were approved. There are are more planned in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. Coal-fired power generation is already Australia's largest source of domestic greenhouse pollution.

"Australia is already the world's biggest coal exporter, and coal exports are our nation's biggest contribution to the climate crisis. Yet coal corporations in New South Wales and Queensland are planning massive expansions of up to eleven-fold over coming years.

"The new Prime Minister should take the opportunity today, when she addresses the nation, to announce a climate change policy that addresses the principal cause of the Australia's greenhouse pollution. Gillard must put a moratorium on the expansion of the coal mining and export industry, and start replacing coal with sustainable, renewable alternative industries."

"Around the world and here in Australia, the impacts of climate change are already devastating people and their livelihoods. The decisions we make now will determine whether we meet our climate goals, or lock-in excessive and destructive greenhouse pollution for years to come." concluded Phillips.

Further comment:
Steve Phillips
0437 275 119

SOURCE: Rising Tide Newcastle

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