Celerity Introduces Gc100 Series High Performance Digital Mass Flow Controllers For Solar And Indust

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20th January 2009, 10:24am - Views: 866

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Celerity Introduces GC100 Series High Performance Digital Mass Flow Controllers for Solar and

Industrial Applications

SAN JOSE, Calif., Jan. 20 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

GC100 Series MFCs leverage Celerity's advanced semiconductor manufacturing  

    gas flow control technology while addressing flexibility and cost 

         considerations unique to solar and industrial applications 


    Celerity, Inc., a technology leader in precision instruments and advanced gas and liquid delivery solutions

for the global semiconductor, solar and electronics industries, announced today the introduction of its new

GC100 series mass flow controller (MFC) designed to precisely measure and control gases in applications

including process gas control in solar cell manufacturing, glass and web coating, plasma cleaning, PEM fuel

cell gas control and bioreactor gas management. The GC100 series MFCs combine Celerity's market leading

high performance digital MFC technology with stable measurement and control, packaged in a competitively

priced general purpose MFC platform. 

    The new Celerity GC100 series mass flow controllers features a number of 

key benefits including high reliability, user-friendly configurability 

(eliminates need for individual gas and range calibrations, significantly reducing cost and complexity of

inventory), and intelligent embedded 

diagnostics, service port and software for simple and efficient on-tool 


    "Celerity has packaged its most advanced digital product architecture in a 

high performance, flexible, cost effective mass flow controller platform, providing solar and industrial users

with a high quality product from the market leader in ultra high performance MFCs," said David Somo,

Celerity's Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing.  


    About Celerity 

    Celerity is a technology leader in the design, engineering, and 

manufacturing of precision instruments and advanced gas and liquid delivery solutions that are integral to the

equipment used in manufacturing 

semiconductors, flat panel displays, solar panels and related products. 

Celerity, headquartered in San Jose, California, has approximately 800 

employees worldwide, and is a privately held company with a majority ownership 

by Texas Pacific Group. For additional information, please visit 


SOURCE: Celerity, Inc. 

     CONTACT:  Industry Media Inquiries, 

               David Somo, 



               or Financial Media and Investor Inquiries, 

               Ron Lacey, 



               both of Celerity, Inc. 


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