Further information: Louise Fitzsimons, WSPA Australia Communications Manager
Phone: (02) 9902 8013 / 0414 775 275 Email:
WSPA Australia Ltd, Suite 1, 2 Northcote Street, St Leonards, NSW (
ABN 19 083 297 027
WSPA has joined animal welfare organisations around the world in condemning the
Australian Governments decision to allow the religious ritual slaughter of conscious
animals to continue in some abattoirs.
Amy Firth, WSPAs Farm Animals Programme Manager, comments:
This is a huge step backwards for animal welfare in Australia. Slaughtering an animal whilst it
is fully conscious causes significant pain and distress and should not be allowed under any
circumstance it has no place in Australia.
Commonsense tells us that cutting the throat of an animal whilst it is fully conscious is
inhumane. The science is also clear. The UK Farm Animal Welfare Council (comprised of
scientists and veterinarians) concluded that slitting the throats of animals that are fully
conscious causes significant pain and distress. Research published in 2009 and carried out
by Massey University in New Zealand, confirmed that animals do feel pain if slaughtered
without prior stunning.
The Governments decision to inflict this suffering on Australian animals is not only cruel, it is
completely unnecessary. Killing without stunning is not even required under Islamic principles,
as a number of fatwas and Islamic authorities have attested. This is also evidenced by the fact
that the vast majority of the Halal meat we export comes from animals that have been stunned
before slaughter.
Unfortunately, the decision to allow slaughter without stunning is likely to hamper efforts to
have stunning more broadly accepted in the Middle East and could open the floodgates for
other Middle Eastern importers to request non-stunned meat from Australia. With the Middle
East being Australias biggest export market, the resulting impact this could have on the
welfare of Australian animals should not be underestimated.
By allowing ritual slaughter without stunning, federal and state ministers are damaging
Australia's international reputation as a progressive country. We urge the Government to
rethink this decision that will cause Australian animals to suffer unnecessarily.