Who's Calling The Tunme On Koala Protection

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21st December 2009, 06:38pm - Views: 1277

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

ABN: 89 717 887 219

Ph: 07 3221 0188    

Fax: 07 3229 7992


For Immediate Release                                                       21 December 2009

Who’s calling the tune for Koala Protection in QLD?

Queensland Conservation (QCC) has questioned the State Governments

commitment to koala protection. 

‘Delays by the State Government to implement urgent measures to save the

koala from extinction raise questions about their commitment to save the

species,’ said Simon Baltais, Spokesperson for QCC

The State Government has delayed the implementation of the State planning

policy for koalas to the end of February. They have stated the delay was for the

purpose of consulting further with local government. However, changes in the

State Government koala policy schedule appear to closely follow meetings with

development industry representatives, and beg the question who is running the


‘Since 1995 the State Government has promised stronger protection for the koala

and since then it has gone from common to vulnerable. In some regions of SEQ

it has almost become extinct.’

‘We need a government that is committed to saving the koalas and not one that

jumps when the development industry tells it to.’

‘Once again the Department of Infrastructure and Planning appears to be putting

koalas second and consequently there is little chance of the koala surviving in

SEQ if this attitude is so pervasive.’ said Baltais

For More info: Simon Baltais           0447 539 968

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