Time To Take A Stand Against Whaling

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11th December 2009, 03:15pm - Views: 1361

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Time to take a stand against whaling

Sydney, Australia, 11 December 2009- Recent media reports have quoted Japan’s Foreign

Minister, Katsuya Okada, stating that Japan has no intention to change its whaling policy.

“Given these comments, it is more critical than ever that Australia remains steadfast in its

opposition to whaling,” said Erica Martin, Director, IFAW Asia Pacific.

“The new Government in Japan had a real opportunity to take a leadership role in whale

conservation—turning its back on whaling and instead reaping the rewards of building a

responsible whale watching industry.

“The Foreign Minister’s comments seem to indicate there is little hope for negotiation, and that

conservation minded countries such as Australia must act now if they hope to save the whales.”

IFAW has commissioned several panels of independent legal experts to provide

recommendations for legal action against Japan’s so-called scientific whaling program.

“The Australian Government vowed to stop whaling—it must fulfil its election promise and stop

Japan’s whaling program once and for all,” said Ms Martin.



Erica Martin, IFAW Asia Pacific, 9288 4999 or 0408 881 607

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