Rspca Nsw Calls For People Against Live Exports To Get On Board

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16th November 2009, 10:37am - Views: 938
RSPCA NSW calls for people against live exports to GET ON BOARD

Australian sheep are on their way to the Middle East for the annual Festival of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha) and the RSPCA is asking people in NSW to help make this trip their last.

The sheer scale of the slaughter that occurs during the Eid makes this period one of the worst times for animal suffering in the Middle East.

"The good news is that new economic analysis has revealed that Australia can cease involvement in the live sheep trade without significant impact on farmers or the economy. In fact phasing out live sheep exports would create jobs," said RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman.

"The two ACIL Tasman reports confirmed that the future for Australia's sheep industry lies in increasing our sheep meat exports, a sector already contributing four times more to the Australian economy than live sheep exports."

New South Wales has a booming meat processing sector with the sheep meat industry contributing a massive $442 million to the state's economy in 2008. Of all the states, New South Wales has the second highest number of people employed in meat processing (around 7,500 people).

For decades, the live sheep trade has taken away opportunities from Australia's meat processors. Trade distortions have created unfair competition between live sheep exports and sheep meat exports, to the detriment of Australian jobs.

"We know that many people in NSW don't like live sheep exports. In fact 30% of people who have registered with the RSPCA's Get on Board so they don't have to campaign are from New South Wales," said Coleman.

The RSPCA is calling on more people to show their support by signing our open letter to the Prime Minister at

"With your help we can convince the Australian Government that by investing in Australia's meat-processing capacity, they will secure farmers livelihoods for the long-term; reap dividends for the economy; and importantly, end the suffering of millions of Australian sheep every year."

Media Contact:
Michelle Minehan, RSPCA NSW Media Manager
November 16 2009
For immediate release
E: [email protected]
M: 0413 622 020


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