Rspca Investigates Celebrity Rat Killing

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7th December 2009, 09:21pm - Views: 1023

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RSPCA investigating celebrity rat killing

RSPCA NSW has received information about a rat, killed for human consumption,

during the filming of the reality television program 'I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of


In NSW the

use of animals in films and theatrical productions can only occur in

accordance with the Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals in Films and

Theatrical Performances. The primary principle of the Code is that it is not acceptable

to intentionally endanger, abuse, injure or kill an animal as part of a production. 

"TV series production staff must summit a notification form to the RSPCA or the

Animal Welfare League. But we received no pre-notice or advice that this segment

was going to occur –

it happened on a day that no animals were featuring in

production, so no RSPCA officers were present." said O'Shannessy.

While it is the case that animals are killed for human consumption, the Prevention of

Cruelty to Animals Act mandates that in the preparation or process of destroying the

animal, the act must be carried out in a manner that inflicts no unnecessary pain

upon the animal. As a result of RSPCA NSW enquiries and the viewing of unedited

footage, RSPCA NSW alleges that the act of killing the rat was not


humanely, or in a manner which inflicted no unnecessary distress or suffering.

"The concern is that this act was done purely for the cameras. The killing of a rat for

a performance is not acceptable," said David O'Shannessy, RSPCA NSW Chief


Two Field Court Attendance Notices have been served to the contestants involved. 

RSPCA NSW investigations continue.

The RSPCA is a charity with objectives to:

Prevent cruelty to animals

Amend and develop legislation to protect animals

Provide education and training about the care, protection and treatment of


Operate veterinary clinics to care for animals.

Media Contact:

Melinda McHugh, Acting RSPCA NSW Media Officer  


M: 0413 622 020


7 December 2009

For immediate release

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