Rspca Gears Up For Australia Day Fireworks

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25th January 2010, 12:12pm - Views: 836

With a 400% increase in the number of animals that ended up at RSPCA NSW Shelters over the first three days of the New Year, RSPCA NSW is again gearing up for an influx of animals. At the Sydney Shelter alone an extra 21 animals were cared for on New Year's Day.

Many animals have a fear of fireworks and can injure themselves to escape the noise. In a frantic bid to flee, dogs often jump or dig under fences with tragic results. "On New Year's Day we had to euthanase an animal after he received severe lacerations across his face as a result of trying to dig under a colourbond fence," said RSPCA NSW Chief Veterinarian Dr Magdoline Awad. "This is certainly not how RSPCA staff wants to spend New Year's Day."

Ensuring your animals are cared for when Australia Day fireworks go off will lessen the pressure on the RSPCA, and help your pet enjoy Australia Day too.

RSPCA NSW Chief Veterinarian Dr Magdoline Awad says owners should take extra precautions to ensure their pets are safe and unharmed. "Dogs in particular are scared of the noise and often injure themselves while trying to escape," said Dr Awad. "A number of animals were treated at our veterinary hospitals throughout the State on New Year's Day."

Pet owners should take the following simple precautions to protect pets this Australia Day:

* Take your dog/s for a walk and give him a good meal. A tired and wellfed dog will be less anxious.

* If you can stay home with your pets, do.

* If you're going out to celebrate, ensure your pets are safe (either inside the house or yard). Set up a familiar spot with their favourite toys. If you're worried the bathroom or laundry may suit.

* Leave food, water and a favourite bone to chew on.

* Keep cats inside the house during the night they will normally find a dark place to hide away.

* Securely stable horses at a location away from the noise.

* Ensure pocket pets are safe in their hutches.

* Make sure your pets are wearing ID tags and their microchip details are uptodate. Microchipping is a legal requirement in NSW.

* If your pet is prone to fireworks anxiety, seek veterinary assistance.

Media Contact:
Melinda Wills McHugh,
Acting RSPCA NSW Media Manager
E: [email protected]
M: 0413-622-020

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