Media Release
3rd 2nd June 2010
Pigs to plead their case in Franklin Square
A unique animal delegation will descend on Primary Industries Minister Bryan Green's office
in Franklin Square, Hobart today. Four rescued pigs from Brightside Farm Sanctuary will
walk from the Parliament lawns at 11.00am to Franklin Square. Their mission? To plead for
Minister Green to accept the recommendation of the Tasmanian Animal Welfare Advisory
Committee (AWAC) to ban the use of cruel pregnant sow stalls in Tasmania by 2017
Brightside Founder Emma Haswell said;
"For decades in Tasmania these wonderful animals have been treated as breeding
machines confined in metal and concrete crates at times for months on end barely able to
move. Minister Green now has the opportunity to end one of the most appalling practices
ever inflicted on animals in this country, a decision that every Tasmanian who cares about
animal welfare will welcome and applaud."
National animal protection organisation Animals Australia has joined with Brightside Farm
Sanctuary and the RSPCA to applaud the recommendation of AWAC and call on Minister
Green to accept their expert advice. Animals Australia's Executive Director Glenys Oogjes
"The Tasmanian government acting to ban sow stalls is in no way a radical move, it is an
ethical one. These cruel devices have been banned in the UK for a decade. Australia's
largest piggery Rivalea has announced a voluntary ban on stalls by 2017 showing that these
cruel devices are completely unnecessary."
"AWAC's recommendation could not have been more thoroughly researched and they came
to the obvious decision. This injustice had to have an end date. Pig farmers should be
grateful that they have still been given seven years to end this obvious animal abuse."
"The Tasmanian government is not bound to implement a national code that is both flawed
and cruel. They have every right to set their own standards. I have no doubt that
Tasmanians would feel proud of their government and state for taking the lead and showing
the rest of Australia that Tasmanians will not tolerate animal cruelty."
Photo opportunities provided at Parliament lawns at 11.00am. High resolution
footage and still photos of sow stalls available.
Media contacts: Emma Haswell Brightside Farm Sanctuary 0408 658 356
Glenys Oogjes Animals Australia 041 431 2552