If You Leave Me, Can I Come To.... A Great Kennel?

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12th January 2010, 07:59pm - Views: 1189

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Embargo Date: 13 January, 2010

If you leave me, can I come to.... a great kennel?

Options and top tips for kennelling your pooch

Leaving your dog behind when you go away is always a wrench but there are many options available

for all budgets.  From basic yet good local accommodation, to action packed country getaways and

luxury slick city pads, there is no end of choices for the discerning pet.  Dog owners need to be

properly prepared when kennelling their favourite hound.

Kennel or dog hotel – what’s the difference?

Dog Hotels have large rooms with full-height, solid-built walls, full/part glass doors, or windows. This creates a

quiet, calm, balanced environment, feels secure, is spacious, and lets in lots of natural light. They are likely to

have fewer dogs (perhaps just 5 - 15 rooms), and provide a more tailored and personal service - this means

special requests and even quirks can be catered for.  Dog Hotels are the closest to a home environment but

with added comfort comes added cost. 

Kennels have partially open pens built with partition walls or panels, mesh/bars above, and mesh/bar doors -

this creates an open environment where dogs can see, smell and hear everything but can lead to higher stress


more sensitive dogs. The higher the walls, the more secure a feeling is created. Active, healthy and

confident dogs will fare better in kennels. Nervous and more sensitive dogs should be boarded separately,

ideally in a building or section with similar dogs in smaller numbers, or a separate kennel.

Debbie Higham, Manager of the five star luxury pet resort Paw Paws says that pets are happiest when their

owners have prepared them well.

“The first time you leave your pet at a kennel you do worry a little, I suppose it’s just like leaving your baby for

the first time.  I know that although it can be an anxious time – if you have made sure of the accommodation,

protected him/her against nasty bugs and arranged activities, then they will be just fine.

She said, ”Before you leave your pet with anyone, make sure that he is in good health, has had all its

vaccinations and that it is protected with a treatment to kill and repel fleas and ticks, flies and other parasites

that can be picked up in an environment with other dogs so close by. 

“Just as you would prepare your children for school by giving them precautionary medications, make sure you

consult your vet to find out about treatments for your dog and you have ample supplies of your pet’s


Unlike many kennels or dog hotels, Paw Paws ‘guests’ are not kept in pens  during the day but only to eat,

rest and sleep at night.  The rest of the time they are socialising with staff and others ‘guests’ of similar


By following our guide and checking out all your options well ahead of time you can be

assured that your

beloved hound is in safe hands and you can relax and enjoy yourself while you are on holiday.

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Dr Bobs top tips for fleas, ticks and kennels:

Before you leave your pet anywhere, make sure that your pet is in good health, has had all its vaccinations

and that it is protected with a treatment to kill and repel ticks, flies and other parasites that may be present

wherever he or she stays. Make sure you have ample supplies of your pet’s medications.

It’s a good daily routine to use your fingers to run through your dog’s fur.

If you have a dog with a long coat, a comb is a great way to find ticks.

Comb your dog from the top of the head and go through their fur, running

the comb backwards against the fur, followed with your hands.

Feel for any bumps and if you feel one, stop and have a good look. You need to pay particular

attention to the top of the legs, behind the ears and in the ears.

If a tick is found, seek advice from your vet immediately.

Things to remember when choosing a kennel

First and foremost you should visit the kennel, ask for references from other owners who have

used their services and research on the internet for ratings of their service.  Bring your dog so he can

become familiar with the environment

Kennels with no walls should be avoided (i.e. open chain link, wire, mesh or bars between kennels

where dogs can touch or injure each other, and the risk of injury, disease and stress-induced illnesses

will dramatically increase). The fewer kennels there are, the lower the stress and noise. Fewer stalls

(for example less than 20 stalls) mean your dog will receive much more attention than larger facilities.

Did the kennels smell?

If it smells - it’s unhygienic. Unhygienic conditions can lead to illness and disease. Old or poorly

constructed kennels are often designed with unsuitable materials. The floors and walls of kennels

should be easy to clean.

Were the kennels constantly noisy?

Stress is extremely dangerous, the more noise, the more stress is caused.

Kennels should cater for less than 20 stalls in any building with dogs not facing each other, providing

daylight, views and stimulation, places to encourage resting and relaxation, correct management of

visitors, and good (and enough) staff.

Were staff/owners welcoming, friendly & polite?

Helpful and kind treatment will leave you feeling less guilty, and much happier about leaving your dog. 

Do they answer the telephone promptly and give you confidence that you can ring and check on your

dog at any time?

Were you shown where your dog would be staying?

One of the oldest tricks in the book is to make an excuse why you can’t see where your dog will be

staying, or even to flatly refuse to show you. The kennel may have something to hide, feels they may

lose your business, and the accommodation is certain to be substandard.

Were there newspapers, shavings or gravel on the kennel floors?

Anything absorbent placed on the floor tells you it’s porous, and will soak up all the urine, water and

feces, bacteria and viruses - which of course means it will smell,  be unhygienic and be a disease risk.

Was there bedding in both the sleep AND run?

If a dog has bedding, it is more likely to rest.  If there is nowhere to rest in an outside run, then it can

be cold and uncomfortable for dogs to lie down and rest.

Did they require proof of vaccination?

Vaccination is a legal requirement to help prevent the spread of disease. Boarding dogs who are not

vaccinated is thoughtless, dangerous, and shows a distinct lack of interest in animal welfare. 

Were there signs of overbooking or overcrowding?

If you see dogs kept in cages or odd places it is a sure sign that the kennels have overbooked

themselves and may well be charging the same amount from owners who expect their dogs to be in

secure kennels. Another problem is placing dogs from different households in the same stall. This is

unwise, unprofessional, could lead to extreme stress or dog fighting.

Do the kennels have a vet on call and does the staff have first aid training? Find out which vet

they have on call, this provides another point of reference for you and ask to see training certificates

for staff in first aid procedures.

Does the kennel commit to treat regularly all dogs against parasites? If you kennel your dog you

want to make sure that you just take the dog home afterwards, not uninvited guests such as ticks and

fleas. Ask the kennel how often they routinely treat all dogs and what they are using. Quality products

such as Advantix which are used monthly indicate good care of your dog.

Ample supplies of clean drinking water should be available for your pet, along with regular meals

throughout the day. Be sure to ask about feeding procedures, which vary from kennel to kennel, with

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some stocking the popular brand name pet foods, and others allowing owners to provide their own

pet's favourite meals and treats.

Leaving your dog at the kennel

Aggressive and overly stressed animals will usually not be accepted at kennels.

Your pet must be washed and clean, your pet and should be fit, well and capable of being cared for by


Make sure that your dog is treated against fleas and ticks at least two weeks before you leave him/her

in the kennel. When dogs get together fleas and ticks can easily transfer from dog to dog

Ensure your pet has been to the toilet trained and responds to basic training commands.

Pack a bag of your dog’s favorite toys, brushes, leads and treats.

Say goodbye quickly, act cheerful and confident, to instil confidence in your pet. Say "Goodbye, be

good!" quickly and depart. 

Ensure your pet is hydrated. 

Ensure your pet has not eaten a large meal three hours prior to travelling to the kennel – he/she might

be sick in the car. 

You may want to send your pets own bed & bedding so that the pet has a familiar smell of home. You

might want to send a piece of old clothing that hasn't been washed, or a rag you have handled so that

the pet has your scent. 

Puppies younger than eight weeks are usually not accepted. 

Pit Bull Terriers and any Pit Bull Cross will generally not be accepted. 

Other things to know

How was your dog when you collected him/her?

If your dog shows previously unseen signs of depression, is withdrawn, suffering or fearful - then you

must find out why. This isn’t the kennel for you.


Issued by Publicis Life Brands – on behalf of Bayer Animal Health.

About Bayer Animal Health

As a leading global animal health company, we provide innovative and sage solutions that promote the health

and well-being of companion animals and livestock. Our scientific commitment is dedicated to finding solutions

for current challenges and anticipating future problems in the area of animal health. Our products are an

expression of our dedication to, and respect for, animals, people, and the environment in a surrounding

devoted to sustainability.

Pet owners in Australia don’t just have to protect their dogs against an increased number of

indigenous parasites. In its “Global Environmental Change” report, the World Health Organisation

(WHO) speculates that climate change could trigger the global growth and spread of parasites and

the diseases they transmit. Veterinary experts recommend the application of fast working repellents

such as Advantix


which not only kills fleas and larvae but also acts as a barrier for ticks, flies and

mosquitoes. At home or on holiday, repellents prevent parasites from biting dogs, and therefore

reduce stress and the chance of dog fatalities due to the paralysis tick.* For more advice and

reminders on protecting your dog with a spot-on treatment to kill and repel ticks, flies, mosquitoes

and other nasties OR for information on preparation for your dog, visit your local veterinary practice,




is available from vet clinics for home application. To sign up for a free reminder system

to help you remember to give your pet the protection it needs go to www.bayeranimal.com.au


Dr Bob Rees, Technical Services Veterinarian, Bayer Animal Health

For further information, images or to arrange an interview, 

please contact Publicis Life Brands: 

Emma Norgrove – 02 9006 2941 / 0405 507 556

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