Global Condemnation Of Rudd Govt's New Cattle Export Deal

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15th May 2008, 12:29pm - Views: 973

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International anger at Rudd Government’s cruel live trade pact with Egypt 

The world’s leading animal protection groups have united in the condemnation of the Australian

Government’s plans to resume the live trade of cattle to Egypt.

“The government has ignored the cruel reality of the live export industry for the sake of commercial gain,

despite all of Mr Rudd’s claims in the past that he is will not tolerate animal cruelty,” said Major-General

Peter Davies, Director General of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA). WSPA is

leading the Handle with Care coalition – an international alliance of animal welfare groups calling for an

end to the long distance transport of animals for slaughter.

“There is now outrage across the world that the Rudd Government has decided to support the expansion

of a Middle East trade already condemning millions of animals a year to an arduous sea journey and

inhumane handling and slaughter,” Major-General Davies said. “The government has refused to meet

with the Handle with Care coalition to learn what really happens to animals sent to the Middle East, and

this appalling decision is the result.” 

Public pressure forced the Howard Government to suspend the live cattle trade to Egypt after revelations

of shocking treatment of cattle in that country. Vision showed cattle being pushed off trucks and stabbed

in the eyes and tendons. Animals can also suffer enormously on the sea voyage to the Middle East,

which results in tens of thousands of deaths of every year.  

Agriculture Minister Tony Burke has claimed a new abattoir in Egypt meets international animal welfare

standards and that Australian cattle will now be killed in accordance with ‘world’s best practice’. However,

this allows cattle to be first be inverted and then to have their throat cut without pre-stunning.  Such

practices are well below what is expected for the treatment of livestock in Australia. 

“What this means is Mr Rudd and his Minister are agreeing to send thousands of Australian cattle on an

exhausting journey to Egypt to suffer the terror of being slaughtered while fully conscious,” Major-General

Davies said. “The Australian public has expressed they do not want their country participating in such

extreme animal cruelty for the sake of profits. It is time Mr Rudd listens to the will of the people on this

issue and makes a stand for his nation’s animals.”

The Handle with Care coalition is calling on the Rudd Government to convert to a meat trade to the

Notes to editors: The internationally recognised organisations that have come together for this unique campaign are

WSPA, Compassion in World Farming, RSPCA UK, RSPCA Australia, Dutch SPCA, Danish SPCA, International

League for the Protection of Horses, Humane Society International, Born Free USA and Eurogroup for Animals.

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