Don't Let Your Pet Die A Cruel Death, Warns Rspca

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4th February 2010, 05:38pm - Views: 871
Don't Let Your Pet Die a Cruel Death, Warns RSPCA

So far this summer RSPCA NSW has received over 40 calls from concerned members of the public reporting dogs being left unattended in cars. Over the past fortnight alone 15 calls have been clocked.

"It's astonishing that we consistently receive calls throughout the summer about dogs locked in cars," said RSPCA NSW Operations Manager Inspectorate, Matt French.

Studies have shown that on hot days temperatures inside a car can reach up to 80 Degrees Celsius. And it can still be dangerously hot, even if the windows are left open. In fact, it only takes six minutes for an animal to die from heat stroke.

"Heat stroke can occur if pets don't have access to shade or water. To avoid a cruel death, they need to be kept safe, cool and hydrated," said RSPCA NSW Chief Veterinarian, Magdoline Awad. "Cars left stationary in the sun become ovens. Ute trays also become extremely hot, so dogs can suffer a similar fate."

During the hotter months, rather than taking your dog/s with you in the car, keep them at home with plenty of shade and water. "While it's fantastic that pet owners seek to include their dogs in activities outside of the backyard, we would strongly urge people to think carefully about the needs of their dog at all points in the trip. Your dog will need access to fresh, cool water and lots of shade. If you can't avoid having to leave the dog in the car, leave the dog at home," added Inspector French.

* If a dog suffers as a result of being left in a car, the maximum penalty is $5,500 and can carry a six-month prison sentence.
* If a dog is dies as a result of being left in a car, the maximum penalty is $22,000 and can carry a two year prison sentence

Members of the public are urged to contact local police or RSPCA NSW on 02 9770 7555 if they see a stressed animal left in a car.

Media Contact:
Melinda Wills McHugh, Acting RSPCA NSW Media Manager
E: [email protected]
M: 0413 622 020


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