Brumby Government's Duck Shoooting Decision Will Devastate Native Waterbirds

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5th February 2009, 08:02am - Views: 1037

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Media Release                         

                                                  5 February 2009

Brumby Government’s decision to devastate native waterbirds

Animals Australia today labelled the Brumby Government’s decision to allow a recreational duck

shooting season this year as environmental vandalism.  

Glenys Oogjes, Executive Director of Animals Australia, said “Permitting a duck shooting season

against the advice of the Department of Sustainability and Environment is incomprehensible. 

Victoria is in its 13th year of drought, waterbird numbers in eastern Australia are down by 82% over

the past two decades, yet the Brumby government have given shooters a green light to decimate

the remnant populations of our native waterbirds.”

“Can Minister Jennings be confident that in the half light before sunrise and after sunset that the

three species of ducks that he is claims will be protected this year won’t be blasted from the sky? 

Shooters will simply discard illegally shot birds if inspectors arrive on a wetland.”

Animals Australia labelled Minister Jennings suggestion that a shorter duck shooting season will

somehow make this a ‘sustainable’ season a joke.    Most shooters shoot on the opening weekend

and at Easter, which falls within the allowable dates.  

The animal welfare aspects of this ‘blood sport’ has led to each of Western Australia, New South

Wales and Queensland banning duck shooting.   Shooting flying native waterbirds with shotguns

causes terrible suffering – with reliable estimates that one bird is wounded for every 3 birds shot. 

The pellet spray of a shotgun means pellets hit untargeted birds in a flock, and there is no

marksmanship training or expertise required to obtain a duck shooting licence.  

Department of Sustainability officers had assessed that of 191 of Victoria’s ‘wetlands’ surveyed,

some 54% are totally dry, that ‘stream flows’ in the west of the state are less than 10% of long term

average levels, and waterbird breeding levels are minimal.  Given the continuing drought and low

waterbird numbers across eastern Australia (similar to the past two years where a moratorium was

in place), the Department advised against allowing a season in 2009.

“There is overwhelming support for a total ban on duck-shooting in Victoria.   The Department of

Environment and Sustainability advised against it, yet the Brumby government has effectively given

shooters ‘the key to our wetlands’.   This decision is so obviously wrong that questions urgently

need to be asked to determine why the shooting lobby has such undue influence over the Brumby

Government,” Ms Oogjes concluded.

For media comment:

Glenys Oogjes    Executive Director Animals Australia     Mob: 0414 312 552


Animals Australia Office    03 9329 6333

Animals Australia Inc.   37 O’Connell Street, North Melbourne 3051 

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