Because Animal Experiments Are Wrong

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11th November 2009, 06:40pm - Views: 1370

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Suite 205, Toorak Corporate Centre, 19 Milton Parade, Malvern 3144


11 November 2009

Because Animal Experiments are WRONG…

At its Annual General Meeting on 29 October 2009, AAHR (Australian Association for

Humane Research) Inc. formally changed its name to Humane Research Australia Inc.

The association is retaining its mission statement and principles:

HRA works professionally and ethically to develop community-wide awareness of animal

experimentation; pursues all reasonable channels to eliminate such experimentation and

champions the benefits of realistic, scientifically effective alternatives to all forms of animal

usage in research and teaching.

The Association will hold and maintain the following as core principles:


Extrapolation of research data obtained from animal experimentation to humans is

ineffective, inconclusive and often unnecessarily dangerous.  


There are more scientifically reliable and effective ways to conduct research other than

with the use of animals.


Animal-based research and teaching represents unnecessarily cruel and unethical

treatments of other sentient beings with little or no redeeming value for human or other

species’ advancement.

Our new online details are:



For further information about Humane Research Australia Inc. contact:

Helen Marston, Chief Executive Officer

Ph. 0407 802 794 or email

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