Animal Welfare Not A Priority For Coalition

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4th November 2010, 09:11pm - Views: 4634

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RSPCA Victoria 

Media Release 

For further information contact Tim Pilgrim, RSPCA Media Officer on (03) 9224 2237

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Victoria)

ACN 131 965 761

ABN 56 749 449 191


RSPCA Victoria is appalled and disgusted by the Coalition’s announcement to invest in

the continuation of jumps racing should it be elected to government later this month. 

The proposal would see an additional $2 million dollars invested into the industry over

four years, to boost prize money for jumps racing and attract more competitors. 

Maria Mercurio, CEO of RSPCA Victoria said: ‘The Coalition has effectively announced

that it will be investing in animal cruelty, which is outrageous. Despite a series of so-

called improvements to conditions, we continued to see numerous injuries and horse

fatalities during jumps races. Forward thinking governments in other states have banned

or discontinued jumps racing in line with cruelty laws and community expectations,

however the Coalition’s endorsement of this activity sets the animal welfare movement

in Victoria back decades.”

The proposal also includes cash incentives to attract horses from other countries to

enter jumps competitions. 

‘Encouraging more horses to enter jumps competitions is a disastrous idea, which will

ultimately lead to more horrific injuries and unnecessary deaths. Dr. Napthine’s

commitment to have KPI’s eased will see additional carnage on the race track. The

welfare of horses in Victoria will be compromised even further to appease a very small

minority of the community. 

“It is an absolute joke that in the lead up to the State election, the Coalition would

make such a shocking announcement. The community will not stand for this as from

independent research, only 14% of Victorians actually support jumps racing. 

“And while the Labor party has recently announced wide ranging animal welfare friendly

policies,  unfortunately banning jumps racing was not included in their list of


“Regardless of the party next elected to govern Victoria, the RSPCA will continue to

fight for a ban on jumps racing once and for all.” 

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