2010 'i Sea, I Care' Challenge - Free Family Marine Education Around Our Bays

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7th January 2010, 03:48pm - Views: 1536
2010 'i sea, i care' Challenge - Free Family Marine Education around our Bays

The Dolphin Research Institute's 2010 'i sea, i care' Challenge has started
around Port Phillip and Western Port, giving Victorian families a unique
opportunity for free marine activities on beaches this summer. There will
also be the chance to meet the Institute's researchers.

DRI's education team will run fun marine education programs for families
in 18 locations around both bays from January 6-22.

Jeff Weir, the Institute's Executive Director, said, "Our goal is to Convince
Victorians that the living treasures in OUR bays are too precious to lose."
Most of the species in our region are not found anywhere else in the world.

At the same time the Institute's research team will conduct surveys for
dolphins and environmental issues.

Our dolphins have been found to be a new species and are threatened by
pollution caused by us living around our bays.

Give aways and competition will be available with each program. Booking
is not required. It is best to check for changes at 1300 130 949 or web site.

Exclusive offer: Adopt-A-Dolphin memberships taken out in Janaury will receive a
complementary dolphin swim tour courtesy of Moonraker Charters from Sorrento.

Media enquires:
Jeff Weir,
0419 356 388,
1300 130 949

SOURCE: Dolphin Research Institute

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