$10,000 Reward Announced In Brutal Dog Stabbing Case

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15th September 2010, 09:00am - Views: 1423

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Media Release                                                                            15 September 2010

$10,000 Reward Announced in Brutal Dog Stabbing Case

The Animal Justice Fund will offer a $10,000 reward to assist Victorian police in locating the

attacker responsible for the brutal stabbing death of maltese-shihtzu cross Coco in a Lalor back yard

last month. 

Five year old Coco was stabbed numerous times inside his kennel in the back yard of his owner's

residence in Derrick Street Lalor at about 5.25 pm on August 30th.    The unknown male attacker

escaped over a side fence when Coco's owner Lisa Follachio ran to Coco's aid.   Despite receiving

veterinary attention Coco died from his injuries.

Police labelled the attack "tragic" and "deeply disturbing" and despite appealing for help in locating

Coco's killer, he is yet to be identified.   Police have welcomed the posting of the $10,000 reward

hoping that it will encourage people with information to come forward.

Animal Justice Fund manager Lyn White said;

"This is one of the most shocking cases of animal cruelty ever reported.   Coco's attacker urgently

needs to be caught.   Any person capable of brutally stabbing a small dog to death in a suburban

back yard presents a very real danger to the community and to animals."

"The Animal Justice Fund will offer a reward of $10,000 to any person who provides information to

police that leads to the identification and arrest of Coco's attacker."

Lisa Follachio said,

"Losing Coco has devastated me.   He was my reason for getting out of bed in the morning.   Now I

am afraid to live in my own home.  Someone must know who Coco's attacker is.  He needs to be

caught before he does this to someone else."

Coco's attacker is described as Caucasian, approximately 180 cms and was wearing a striped or

checked shirt and beanie.    Anyone with information can call CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000.

The Animal Justice Fund was established by millionaire businesswoman Jan Cameron in July this

year to protect animals from cruelty and to improve the lives of animals in Australia.  Administered

by Animals Australia, the AJF supports strategic litigation; conducts public awareness campaigns

and offers rewards for the provision of information that assists authorities to bring those responsible

for animal cruelty before the courts.  

Media Comment:     Animal Justice Fund Manager - Lyn White  0439 808 528

         Coco's owner – Lisa Follachio – 0411 090 939

www.AnimalJusticeFund.org                               www.AnimalsAustralia.org

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